Classic Automation has a large inventory of Moore QUADLOG Modules. All of our parts and repair services have a 2-year warranty.

A sample of the parts in stock are listed. Visit for the entire parts inventory.
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Item #

Item Name

Part Type



N/A Standard Discrete Module (SDM) N/A QLSDM024DCABN N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A Standard Discrete Module (SDM) N/A QLSM024DCBBN N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A Input Discrete Module (IDM) N/A QLIDM115ACAAN N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A Input Discrete Module (IDM) N/A QLIDM115ACBBN N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A QUADLOG Input Discrete Module (IDM) N/A QLIDM115ACBBN N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A QUADLOG SAM Module N/A QLSAMBAN N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A Advanced Control Module (ACM) N/A QLACM14AAN N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A QUADLOG Advanced Control Module Plus N/A QLACM12BBN N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A Enhanced Analog Module (EAM) N/A QLEAMBBN N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A QUADLOG VIM Module N/A QLVIMBCN N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A QUADLOG MBX Module N/A QLMBXNAN N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A Modulbus Expander N/A QLMBXNAN N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A Output Discrete Module (ODM) N/A QLODM115ACBBN N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A Bus Continuation Module (BCM) N/A QLBCMNBN N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A QUADLOG CAM Module N/A QLCAMAAN N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A Critical Discrete Output Module N/A QLCDODCAAN N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A Critical Control Module (CCM) N/A QLCCM22AAN N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A Critical Control Module (CCM) N/A QLCCM24AAN N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A Critical Control Module (CCM) N/A QLCCM24AAA N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A Critical Analog Input Module N/A QLCAIAAN N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A QUADLOG Critical Control Module (CCM) N/A QLCCM12AAN N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A Critical Control Module (CCM) N/A QLCCM12ABN N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A QUADLOG Critical Control Module (CCM) N/A N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A QUADLOG Critical Control Module (CCM) N/A QLCCM12ABN N/A 2 year N/A Moore
N/A QUADLOG Critical Discrete Module (CDM) N/A QLCDM024DCAAN N/A 2 year N/A Moore
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